Here is another in a series of posts providing links that I think might be interesting to Hydrogen Cafe listeners. This is the Hydrogen Cafe International Edition!
First is a link to a really nice ambient mix done by my friend Lord Sherwell from the UK. This is his first mix using the Acoustica mixing software that I use for my mixes. In his own words:
It was originally inspired by walking early in the morning in the fog shrouded woods near where I work. While walking I found myself thinking about a friend of mine I'm very fond of but haven't seen for sometime. Approximate running order goes something like this:
00:01 'Haunted Ballroom' - The Caretaker
02:00ish 'Fog Animal' - Deaf Centre
05:30ish 'In the Cold I'm Standing' - M83
09:00is 'Black Dress' - Svarte Greiner
18:00ish 'Another Ballard For Heavy Lids' - Stars Of The Lid
20:00ish 'Final Sleep' - Svarte Greiner
25:15ish 'St.Christopher' - Mark Isham
27:00ish 'Waves Become Wings' - This Mortal Coil
30:10ish 'Cad Godddeu' - Nest
34:15ish Clip from Solaris
37:15ish 'Stay With Me' - Clint Mansell
39:00 is clip from Solaris
(Plus assorted Crow samples, a bell sampled from the This Mortal Coil track and plenty of pops, crackles and scrapes courtesy of the tracks on Type records)
Lord Sherwell's "Fog Memory" MP3 can be downloaded
here (right click, save link as)
My second link is from my new friend DJ Orion, a well-known DJ from Finland. DJ Orion kindly asked to use my mix Music for Sunrise in his latest podcast. So, a big thank you! to DJ Orion and a big HELLO! to all of the new Hydrogen Cafe visitors from Finland and around the world.
DJ Orion's Podcast page can be found here
(DJ Orion has a number of great chillout and house music podcasts and mixes available--give them a listen!)
DJ Orion's main page can be found here
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hydrogen Links Two
Posted by
3:52 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
New Host
I recently decided to switch hosting services for my mix files. I've been using Switchpod to host my files since the beginning of the Hydrogen Cafe. But, their service has been going steadily downhill. So, I stumbled upon the Podbean hosting service and decided to make the switch. So far, Podean rules. They have a pricing structure similar to Switchpod but Podbean has no upper limit to the number of files you can upload. They have a monthly upload cap based on your subscription but you can keep uploading files month after month with no total size limits to your account. That rocks! Download speeds seem to be good and they also offer embeddable stream players like the ones I recently installed for each of my mixes. They also have good iTunes support so you can easily link your podcast to iTunes.
I just shutdown my Switchpod account completely. I've tried to go back and change all of the download links on web posts I have made. There may be a few old ones I missed. If you have any problems downloading, all the new Podbean download links below work. Please drop me a line if you are still having problems. Also, if you are interested in signing up for a Podbean account, send me an e-mail and I can send you a special code that will get us each a free month of service! You can e-mail me at: nrvnet9(at) LOL this sounds like a freakin' ad. But Podbean does rock!
Posted by
2:49 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Desolation Angels
“There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”
- Carl Jung
This mix is dedicated to my friend Katie. Taken from us much too soon, her bright smile and love of life will forever illuminate our world.
Downloads (right click, save link as):
MP3 (74:31) (192k) (104 mb)
Cover Art & Score (493k zip)
1. Intro – includes segments from Beautumn – Blanket & Sigur Ros – Gong
2. Dustin O'Halloran - Opus 37
3. Aram Khachaturian - Gayane Ballet Suite
4. Angelo Badalamenti - Final Miles
5. Roger Eno - Elevation
6. Clint Mansell - Together We Will Live Forever
7. Henryk Gorecki - Symphony No 3 - II Lento E Largo - Tranquillissimo
8. David Darling - Beginning
9. Rachel's - Egon & Gertie
10. John Tavener - Fragments of a Prayer
11. Slowblow – Elegy
12. 12 Monkeys OST - Dreamers Awake
13. Sylvain Chauveau – Blanc
14. Steve Baker and Carmen Dave - For Whom the Bell Tolls
15. Barber - Adagio for Strings, Op. 11
16. Little Buddha OST – Evan’s Funeral
17. Talkdemonic - Veraison
18. Goldmund - Unbraiding the Sun
19. The Album Leaf – The Light
The title, Desolation Angels, is taken from a book by Jack Kerouac.
“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain.”
- Kahlil Gibran
Posted by
1:49 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
First Light
I happened to find this video on YouTube. First Light is the opening cut on Ambient 2: The Plateaux of Mirror by Harold Budd & Brian Eno. First Light is also one of the opening cuts from my mix Music for Sunrise. Cool video.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Hydrogen Links One
It's been a lot of fun putting this music mix blog together. In the course of the past year I've gotten a number of e-mails from people who have the liked the various ambient mixes I've done. Knowing that people have taken the time to write me makes the work I put into the mixes really worthwhile. A number of those e-mails have been from artists whose work may have been included in a mix thanking me for using them. Others have been e-mails from artists and music labels who want to let me know about their work and want to invite me to use their music in a future mix. I'm really grateful for the thank-you's and honored that ambient artists would like me to feature their work. So, I thought that, instead of making promises that I may or may not be able to keep, that I would start a new feature where I will highlight links that people have sent me--links highlighting artists or music labels or new musical works. I thought I'd also include other interesting ambient-related links I've come across. So, if you are an ambient artist, a music label, or do ambient, experimental or downtempo music mixes of your own, drop me an e-mail and I will include your links in future "Hydrogen Links" posts. These don't constitute endorsements or recommendations. This is just my way of spreading the ambient world.....
Al Gromer Khan's Rasa Music
Al Gromer Khan´s Top 50 fifty years in music listing...
Al Gromer Khan´s essay on ambient music: Ambient Religion
Rigel Orionis
Darren Rogers - The Alternate Realms
Darren Rogers' Imagineer Records MySpace page
Ouim Internet Radio
So Ham Sounds - an ambient music mix (right click, save link as...)
So Ham Sounds MySpace page
Infraction Records (Beautumn, Northern, Milieu, etc)
Infraction Records MySpace page
Posted by
11:18 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Music for Sunrise
I received a lot of really nice feedback on my last mix Music for Stargazing Vol 1. Thanks for all of the nice comments. One listener asked if I could go from night to day and do a sunrise mix. So, per your request, I would like to present: Music for Sunrise.
2. Olivier Nijs – Cornfield Insects and Birds (field recording)
3. Harold Budd & Brian Eno - First Light
4. John Foxx & Harold Budd - Long Light
6. Kit Watkins - Beauty Drifting
10. Michael Hoppé - Martin Tillman - Tim Wheater - Long Ago
11. Erik Satie - Gymnopdie I (Orchestration Debussy)
12. Roger Eno - Days Like This
13. John Didlock – Dawn Chorus (field recording)
14. Vaughan Williams - The Lark Ascending
15. Max Richter - Sunlight
17. Stars of the Lid - Jon McCafferty - Anchor States - Part I
18. Budd-Garcia-Lenz - Somos Tres
19. Roger Eno - Turning
21. Harold Budd - Robin Guthrie - The Memories Returning
22. Helios - Halving the Compass
Posted by
11:29 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Music for Stargazing Vol 1
Sorry for the long delay between mixes! Life has been busy and complicated lately and time has a way of slipping by. I also thought I’d breeze through putting this mix together but I ended up tweaking it for weeks to try and get all the sound levels right. I also will try my best to not let too much time go by before my next mix. I have two mixes (unrelated to this current mix) that I have collected most of the tracks for, so I will be starting those soon. Thanks so much for all your kind words and concern. They mean everything to me.
I would like to present: Music for Stargazing Vol 1. The idea for this mix was generated several years ago actually. My friend Dave (from Low Light Mixes) and I take an annual trip to a lake cottage in northern Wisconsin. It’s far out in the country, away from the wash of city lights. At night, the sky is filled with an amazing blanket of stars. At this lake cottage we got in the habit of sitting out at night to look at stars and enjoy a cold brew. Besides stars we could also often see satellites track across the sky and any number of shooting stars. Years ago I decided to put together a CD mix made specifically for sitting out and looking at stars. I went for tracks that, in my mind, gave the listener a very slow, drifting, expansive and somewhat awe-inspiring feel. Some of the artists that were the biggest inspirations for this mix include Steve Roach, Brian Eno and Jeff Pearce. This is a more straightforward mix than some of my others and utilizes fewer, longer tracks.
Over the years I have collected dozens of tracks I used for various stargazing mixes. The tracks used in this mix are from my old collection of stargazing cuts. I did a newer mix of cuts last year in The Stars My Destination mix. I did reuse a couple tracks from that mix because they were from the original collection. So, here is the first of what may be a series of Music for Stargazing mixes for the Hydrogen Cafe. Go grab a beer, pop this mix onto your MP3 player or burn it to a CD and slap it onto a boombox, head out into the night, and enjoy the magic of stars. This mix would work well as a sleep mix too. I hope you enjoy it.
Downloads (right click, save target as):
Cover Art & Score (467k Zip)
1. Michael Stearns - Baraka Finale (excerpt)
2. Night sounds field recording
3. Ashera – Violet Night Perfume
4. Steve Roach - Glimpse
5. Grassow–Baghiri–Gleisberg – The Different Perception of Light
6. Diatonis – Glass of Starlight
7. Jeff Pearce – Inner Light
8. Brian Eno - Stars
9. Amir Baghiri - Sleep Well (Part Two)
10. Ma Ja Le & James Johnson - Methane Sea (Live)
11. Jeff Pearce - Vestiges
12. Steve Roach – The Return
13. Stars of the Lid – Dust Breeding (1.316)+
14. Brian Eno - Drift
15. James Johnson - Drift
16. Jeff Pearce – From the Quiet Hours
17. Steve Roach – Magnificent Gallery
Posted by
5:27 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007
The Dharma Bums
A new year brings a new mix. The first mix for 2007 is called The Dharma Bums. The title is taken from a book by Jack Kerouac which covers his exploration of Buddhism and the search for Truth. With this new mix I wanted to expand on the ethno-ambient feel of one of my other mixes, Tea Time at Brian Eno's House. The Dharma Bums was also greatly inspired by the amazing field recordings done by The Quiet American and the superb ethno-ambient music of Loren Nerell. Loren Nerell uses his own field recordings from Java and Bali in his work. My hope was to create a Pan-Asian soundworld using music inspired by, or artists from the Middle East, India and Indonesia.
This is the most complex, multi-level mix I have ever done and I am quite proud of the results. If you look at the music mix score (a jpeg contained in the Cover Art and Score Zip file you can download below), you will see that at any given time, there are at least two and sometimes up to seven different pieces of music or field recordings playing simultaneously. I used a total of 32 different Quiet American field recordings in the mix (on the music score, all Quiet American field recordings start with "QA"). I even made a small field recording myself. I hope you enjoy it.
I would like to dedicate this mix to The Quiet American and Loren Nerell.

Lightbright Dharma Bums soulwalk through old time. Gamelan Buddhas sing wailing cries of joyful sunsand. Stone cities appear like ghosts from rivers of ancient karma. Sitars sing Salaam songs soulsung with the first voice. Monks chant the way of higher truth in rainforest insect soundscapes. Ancient future cities team with peoplestreams that vibrate Kama Sangha dreams. Sheiks ride horses of sound across desert moonwaves. Duduk birds glide among templespires, passionwings stretched toward enlightenment.
Downloads (right click, save link as):
MP3 [69:01m] (192k) (95 mb)
1. Numerous Quiet American field recordings
2. Brian Eno + David Byrne - Arabic Sample #1
3. Gamelan Madu Sari - Dreams He is a Ball of Fire...or a Hummingbird (ii)
4. Alio Die & Festina Lente - Movimento Nel Cielo Sotto
5. Soundtrack - Little Buddha - Raga Kirvani
6. Loren Nerell - Indonesian Soundscapes Track 2
7. Ravi Shankar - Raga Malkauns Alap
8. Al Gromer Khan - Mumtaz
9. Daniel Lentz - Lascaux
10. Alio Die & Festina Lente - L'orlo, La Fune, Il Niente
11. Jon Hassell - These Times
12. David Parsons - Lahaul Valley
13. Djivan Gasparyan - Apricot Tree
14. Loren Nerell - Hiasan (Ornament)
15. Peter Gabriel - Open
16. David Parsons - Darshan
17. Jon Hassell - Emp
18. L. Subraminiam - Wandering Saint
19. Soundtrack - Little Buddha - Nepalese Caravan
20. Steve Roach and Loren Nerell - Texture Wall
21. The Year of Living Dangerously Soundtrack - Kwan
22. Jim Cole and Spectral Voices - Nuage
23. Peter Gabriel - Disturbed
24. Jon Hassell - Power Spot
25. Jon Hassell - Malay
26. Gamelan Madu Sari - Thinly Roundly
27. Robert Rich - Calling Down the Sky
28. Marsen Jules - Eillet en Delta
29. Mawlawiyah Music of the Whirling Dervishes - Na't-i Sherif
30. nrvnet field recording
31. Michael Stearns - Baraka Finale
Posted by
5:47 PM
Winter Mix at Low Lights
My friend Dave has put together another great mix over at his music mix blog Low Light Mixes. It's called: First Snow - An Ambient Winter Mix. A great mix of tunes for frigid winter days. Go have a listen.
Posted by
5:34 PM